Things to Keep in Mind For Visitors travelling Nepal

Things to Keep in Mind For Visitors Here are a few tips that should help the visitor get around the country at ease.Arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport: After checking in at the immigration desk, passengers without any dutiable goods can proceed through the Green Channel for quick clearance without a baggage check. If you are carrying dutiable goods, you must proceed through the Red Channel. Getting a taxi: There are taxi-drivers, travel agents and hoteliers waiting outside the airport terminal to offer their services to you. While hiring a taxi, be sure not to leave any of your belongings behind. Respect basic Nepali customs: Take off your shoes before entering a Nepali home. Never leave your shoes or sandals upside down. Nepalese are friendly by nature; you may accept a handshake offered by either a male or a female but never offer your hand first to a woman. Instead, you do a ‘Namaskar' with folded palms. Nepalese men in general, Hindus in particular, avoi...